Safeguarding Hub
Trust Subject Lead: Emily Armstrong
Emily began her career in education in 2004, driven by a passion for teaching and learning. Over the years, she has had the privilege of serving in leadership capacities across various educational settings, each offering valuable lessons and experiences.
With a background spanning all Primary Key Stages including a short leadership opportunity teaching KS3 English at a British School in Bahrain, Emily has developed clear understanding of the ethos and values needed to support children educationally. In 2016, she became Headteacher at Bexton Primary, a two-form entry school. Here, she focused on fostering a supportive learning environment and keeping children safe in education.
Emily has also been the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for Bexton Primary School since 2012 and has a wide range of experience of supporting children and families across Cheshire. She was promoted to the role of Trust Safeguarding Lead in 2023.
Emily strongly believes in leaving a positive impact on the lives of children, staff, and the broader educational community
Welcome to the Safeguarding Hub at Cheshire Academies Trust – a resource for promoting the safety and well-being of every child within our educational community. The hub has been designed to provide Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL's) and Senior Leaders with essential tools and information needed to support safeguarding in your setting which includes sharing relevant safeguarding updates, training materials (including recordings of the termly DSL update meetings), audit support and other important resources that support the role of the DSL.
The Safeguarding Lead for the Trust, Emily Armstrong, runs termly DSL updates online and twice yearly (in-person) supervision sessions for colleagues. These are invaluable for discussing key issues and signposting leaders to relevant resources to support and safeguard the children within their setting. All colleagues are welcome to access the Safeguarding Hub resources or ask for advice/supervision support from the Trust safeguarding team who will be happy to offer support or signpost to relevant services where needed. We are all of the understanding that our priority is to ensure the safety and well-being of every child entrusted to our care.
Safeguarding supervision 20&21/11/24, 1:30 CAT HQ
DSL SCiES supervision 20/06/24, 1:30pm
DSL update 15/05/23, 2-3pm via Teams